Stephanie Marion — Sculpture, Ceramics, Painting, and Printmaking

Inkheart — Intaglio Print

Inkheart — Intaglio Print

Family of Mourning Glory — Stoneware

Family of Mourning Glory — Stoneware

Flower Hair Pins — Copper

Flower Hair Pins — Copper

Rose Spoon — Copper

Rose Spoon — Copper

Lotus Box — Stoneware

Lotus Box — Stoneware

Fire Sky and Water — Acrylic Paint

Fire Sky and Water — Acrylic Paint

“Home is more than just a place, although I do think of my bedroom as my home for all my other homes. I find a home in every book I love, in every movie I get sucked into, and in every show I fall in love with. I hear home in my favorite songs. I feel home in the breeze as I sit in the grass, watching the bees finding nectar and pollen in the clovers and dandelions. I feel at home with my plants, making sure they are taken care of to the best of my ability. Home is where I feel confident enough to be me, to try new things, and just breathe. I don't have much confidence in myself or my abilities, but at home, its different. I feel more at peace with my work in home than I do anywhere else. Home is where I feel the smallest bit of confidence flow through me to let me be my naturally quirky self, the side I don't let out often in public.”

Stephanie Marion is a senior at the Institute of Art and Design at New England College. Steph is her most common nickname, though to few she is also known as Stitch. She is graduating in Spring 2021 with a Bachelor's in Fine Art with two minors, Ceramics and Art History. Steph is from a small town lovingly called No Weare, New Hampshire where she resides with her parents and younger brother. When not working on art, Steph can most commonly be found with her nose in a book or watching her favorite movies and shows in the comfort of a few blankets and her cat, Moey.


Jacob Brown — Poetry


Sophia Oslin — Printmaking