Sophia Oslin — Printmaking

There’s No Place Like Home — Lithograph

There’s No Place Like Home — Lithograph

“‘There’s No Place Like Home’ incorporates inspiration taken from one of my favorite films and stories, The Wizard of Oz, personal elements of my identity as an artist, and philosophy. 

This piece was made with a lithographic plate and a traditional lithography pencil. The completion of the slipper was tedious due to individually drawing every single eye, but effectively represents something I often use as a personal symbol in my work. “

Sophia Oslin is a Printmaking major at the Institute of Art and Design at New England College. She is inspired by topics of oddities, philosophy, science fiction, spirituality, the natural world, and fashion. Her work tends to have aspects of surrealism and sentimental elements that often go under experimental ways of conveying and displaying. Printmaking to Sophia incorporates many different artistic skills into one medium she finds best suitable to her identity within the artistic field.


Stephanie Marion — Sculpture, Ceramics, Painting, and Printmaking


Jackie Hanson — Painting