An Interview with Kenzie Burnside


by Bella Mcpherson


 What is your senior project about?

I am really into documentary photography, so I’ve been taking photos of this construction site  and have just been trying to show change and the deconstruction of the site. I wouldn’t say it has a specific theme. I just really enjoy doing documentaries, so that's what I focus on most. 

What artists do you look at to inspire you?

I don’t really look at other artists for my work. I don’t want to let their influence affect what I’m trying to say.

What would you say your work space looks like?

As of right now, I don’t have much of one. I work in the basement at school mostly and I’m at the construction site a lot. Because of COVID I haven’t really given myself a set place. 


How far do you think you’ve come since the beginning of your college experience?

I have come such a long way. My work compared to freshman year is My prints in the darkroom from freshman year were terrible, but I thought they were so great. I have learned a lot about my style and I’ve been getting better at technical stuff like editing. 

How do you feel your peers/faculty/the community here at school has impacted you?

Honestly, my peers have been really unhelpful this year. Glen and Bill Cass have affected me the most. They really pushed my work when I didn’t think I needed to and they really made me a better artist. 

Where do you see your work in the next few years?

So, as most know, I am not planning on using photography as a career. I am already in the veterinary system. But I do enjoy doing it and wanted to learn more about it. So I do see myself still using it, but veterinarian is where I’ll still be in a few years. Just the other day my boss was talking about needing photographs and I raised my hand and was like “I go to school for photography!” So I’m actually hoping to do some for them.


What does art/photography mean to you? Why do you do it? What do you get out of it?

Honestly that's a really hard question. Mostly it’s an escape and it’s a way for me to express myself. It helps me get out thoughts and ideas in a way I really enjoy doing. 

What advice would you give to freshmen?

Do the homework. Put in the work and it’s going to show and you’re going to be better for it.


Sienna Langone — Illustration — 11/4/20


Carissa Sarkis — Fine Arts — 11/18/20