Kayla Padilla — Photography

Wandering Ivy — 11x17 inkjet print

Wandering Ivy — 11x17 inkjet print

Obscured — 11x17 inkjet print

Obscured 11x17 inkjet print

Constantly Growing — 11x17 inkjet print

Constantly Growing — 11x17 inkjet print

“I think my work has changed this past year and I think it has become lonely. I have noticed that I have not been taking as many portraits as I used to and it’s become hard for me photograph at times. Personally, COVID has impacted my mental health and my connection to people in my life. As much I as I want to be close with the people I care about, I also want to keep myself and others safe. So, this has resulted in my work turning towards the outdoors and nature. This change can be seen as good and bad, but I believe it’s a normal response to the state of the world.

“I’m curious to see how my work will change in the near future.”

Kayla Padilla is a junior photography major and art history minor at the Institute of Art and Design at New England College. She is also an RA in the Hampshire House. Kayla is from Austin, Texas, a long ways away from New England. She loves learning about the photographic medium and the deep history of art. 


Allison Rose — Oil on Wood Panel


Anna Scholch — Pastel